From Huber Heights, Ohio to Waco, Texas is 1089 miles which takes 17hrs 53mins if you were to drive straight through without any stops. What a long drive but we made it!! We broke the trip up into two days. Now every time we get in the car Dock Levi starts crying so he is probably thinking we are going on a long road trip. (Poor little guy) The trip was totally worth it. We got to celebrate Christmas with my family, and we hung out with great friends. We even went to see a movie without kids!! (Score)
Dec 23 day one Ohio to Memphis 9hrs
So of course we wanted to eat Bar B Que while in Memphis. We had dinner at Neely's which was really good. I did not put two and two together until we got there that it was Pat and Gina from the Food Network restaurants. For some reason I thought they were from Atlanta.
Yummy Bar B Que
Our hotel had an indoor pool. This is actually Levi's first time swimming.
Dec 24 day two Memphis to Waco 9hrs
The boys took a great 3hr nap which was great. But once we were outside of West, Texas we hit traffic, and Levi started screaming. Thankfully we were not in the traffic too long.
Joseph icing cookies for Santa
Good job Joseph!! Santa is going to love his cookies
I guess the boys have been good!!
Dock Levi's first Christmas and he was the first awake at 4:30 in the morning!!
A couple of hours later Joseph wakes to see what Santa brought him
We had a great time in Texas!! And I can't wait to go back this summer.