Monday, February 8, 2010

Our trip to Texas

Joseph and I traveled back to Texas for a two stay with my parents. We had a wonderful time and we did have 3 days of sunshine. Here are some pictures from our trip.

Here is Joseph playing with his men and coloring at the airport.



During the three days of sunshine we took advantage and went to the zoo.




While we were there we celebrated Joseph's birthday for a second time. I really hope he does not get used to that. This time he helped me make his cake. I did not get any pictures of that but he really enjoyed helping. I guess I really need to include him in baking from now on.




I also took Joseph to a basketball game. Our friend John Weeks team was playing so we met Alison and Kendal to watch the game. Here some attempts to get get both 3yr olds to look at the camera. Kendal looks taller because she was standing on a step.



I also took Joseph to get his hair cut. Joe was threatening me that if I did not get his hair cut that he was going to shave Joseph's head. So since I never want my baby with a shaved head ever again I took him in. He did so great. He sat in the jeep like a big boy and got his hair cut. Here are some pictures.



Here is a picture of Joseph and Bradley playing cars.


Then our time was over. We had a wonderful time in Texas. I just wished I would of got more pictures. Here are a few pictures of Joseph with Nana and PawPaw at the airport.



And one last pictures. This was taken yesterday at dinner. This is what happens when he does not take a nap.


1 comment:

Corinne said...

Glad to hear you had a fun time in Texas. Love the last picture, Tim hasn't done that in a long time.