Sunday, June 6, 2010

Look who is sleeping in his bed!!

Mr. Levi has been sleeping in his bed for naps and at night time for a week now. He goes down for the night around 9 and sleeps until 2. After his 2am feeding he goes back to sleep until 5. But the worst is that at his 5am feeding he stays awake until after 6am and then he goes back to sleep for a couple of more hours. Not to bad but it could be better. He only like to sleep on his tummy just like his brother. (I know they prefer a newborn to sleep on his back) Joseph would only sleep on his tummy when he was a newborn.

Love how he tucks his feet under his bottom.

And I had to put a picture of Joseph sleeping also.

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The Trobough's said...

I started putting WC to sleep on her belly when she was 7 weeks and it worked like a charm!! Your boys are so cute :)

Corinne said...

YAY for sleeping in his own bed. Soon he will be STTN.

Marla said...

That is so sweet how he tuck his feet under his belly!