Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mammoth Caves

I got the description off the Mammoth Cave National Park website. The tour we took was the Historic Tour.

Entering the cave through the Historic Entrance, you will feel the excitement that intrigued the earliest explorers and visitors. Experience the history and the role Mammoth Cave played during the War of 1812. Large passages invite you to imagine what it would have been like for prehistoric discoverers who walked these passages more than 2,000 years ago. Descend into the lower levels of the cave and follow in the footsteps of the first explorers who crossed the Bottomless Pit. Squeeze through Fat Man’s Misery. Climb 155 stairs up Mammoth Dome and exit through the Historic Entrance. •2 hours, 2 miles. Tour limit: 120. Total stairs: 440, including 155 at Mammoth Dome. Elevation change: 300’. •Limited areas of the Mammoth Cave Discovery, Mammoth Passage, Star Chamber, River Styx and Violet City Lantern Tours are visited on this route. •Meets at the Visitor Center. Difficulty: Moderate.

It is pretty funny story because we thought we were taking a 45 minute tour because you see we had to carry Levi. Levi is a pretty heavy 13 month old. Some mistake him for being 18 months. We met up with our group and our guide was explaining the tour and all I hear is 2 hours long. I look at Joe and told him there is no way we can carry Levi that long. But Joe, the never giving up person he is, encouraged me that we could do it. Well the only thing that saved us is that it was 50 degrees down there. Here are some pictures!!

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