Thursday, October 7, 2010

Field Trip

Today I had the privileged (thanks Holly) of going with Joseph on his first field trip. Since it is fire prevention week his class went to the fire station. We walked from his preschool to the fire station which was a pretty good walk especially with 3 and 4 yr olds. Joseph has a great time and he was one of the only ones that was not scared of getting his picture taken with the fireman. Here are some pictures

All of Joseph's class

My brave not scared of anything boy

He looks so grown up here

He is telling me about the big fire truck behind him

This is where the hose goes

Other equipment

Sitting on his mat. Every morning Joseph tells me that he does not like to sit on his mat. And then he always ask me what is for snack.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Firetrucks! Awesome! Both my boys love firetrucks.