Monday, May 23, 2011

Cincinnati Zoo

Sunday we decided to take the boys to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and what better way to enjoy the day then go to the zoo. We got there early so it was not too crowded, and it was not to hot either. Joseph loved going, but Levi not too much. He was just in a mood yesterday. We took our lunch, and was able to save some money not buying over priced food.

Hello giraffe


The two Joes reading a map

Look closely and there is a bear in the background

I love the Polar Bears

Joseph and the Manatee

Trying to get a picture with both boys with no luck

I love this picture of Levi. Joe took this with his phone.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

LOL!I love that last picture too. I thought it was real for a second...silly me.