Sunday, January 29, 2012

Joseph's interview

I asked Joseph 21 questions and for him to give me the best answer. I love some of the answers especially the ones about me being the boss. The kid has finally learned!! I plan on asking him these each year.

1. What is something Mommy always says to you?

Be good

2. What makes Mommy happy?

When I am good.

3. What makes Mommy sad?

When I am not her friend

4. How does Mommy make you laugh?

Doing silly stuff

5. What was Mommy like as a child?

Being a baby

6. How old is Mommy?

10 yrs old

7. How tall is Mommy?

100 ft

8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?

Anything you want to because she is the boss

9. What does Mommy do when you're not around?

Play with Levi

10. If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?

Watching kids

11. What is Mommy really good at?



2. What is Mommy not very good at?

playing games

13. What does Mommy do for her job?

To be the boss

14. What is Mommy's favorite food?


15. What makes you proud of Mommy?

When I am home

16. If Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?

Obi-Wan Kenobi

17. What do you and Mommy do together?

Movie night

18. How are you and Mommy the same?

Because we both like each other

19. How are you and Mommy different?

because we have different clothes

20. How do you know Mommy loves you?

Because she likes me

21. Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?

Grocery store

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